Steam Demo Build #10 - Steam Next Fest!

Finally ready for Steam Next Fest

Many times I was overly optimistic and I went through the cycle of entering/announcing the fest participation only to be backing out months later when I knew I wouldn't make any of the deadlines. However, this time I'm ready - Demo build is fully approved and ready to go.

Strong focus on stability

I had a choice about a month ago - I can rush to try get some last minute features in or work on  bug fixes to have a more stable game demo. I decided ultimately stability will deliver a much better experience even if the game is lacking in some content. In particular I had to work on some core gameplay fixes and any bug which would cause a soft lock/game freeze in the flow.

  • Updated Spanish translation with latest changes.
  • Added Nextfest message to title screen.
  • Added Nextfest feedback button to title screen.
  • Fixed being able to trigger chest outside movement range.
  • Fixed filtered range very small for enemies.
  • Fixed AI player being able to move onto other player tiles.
  • Fixed unable to click exit tile as human player.
  • Fixed AI players on exit having no reaction.
  • Fixed attack range not cleared after returning to exploration map.

Funny bug fixed :3

In order to also get the green light on the full game I submitted this to Steam. Little did I know but Steam staff do a fairly in depth testing cycle on it. This bug made me laugh really hard when I imagined a player running into this scenario. However, I worked on a fix fairly quick. The remove from faction button will no longer be enabled if you can't afford to hire another Hunter.

Wrapping up

Thanks to all the players who have reported bugs and feedback so far! At this stage I've made it public about participating in Steam Next Fest. It's been 5 years since I started work on this game and it's about time it sees the light. :) I have just one more important bug to fix and then lets go!

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